Take it back

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I meet a lot of new teachers from a range of Australian universities. When I talk to them, they are full of enthusiasm for inquiry learning, project-based learning and other progressive teaching methods. When I ask them about explicit teaching, they look at me strangely and sometimes I have to clarify what I mean. I ask if explicit instruction was taught on their teacher education courses. They usually suggest that it has been mentioned but in a negative light. New teachers understand that this is not the way they are meant to teach.

This situation is quite extraordinary. It is the equivalent of medical students being taught to be sceptical of immunisation. After all, the evidence for the effectiveness of explicit teaching has been around since at least the 1970s.

Whereas new teachers bear the brunt of training in inadequate and impractical teaching methods, the perhaps even more unjust effect of progressive ideology is the degradation of what is taught. This can be seen in the Australian Curriculum with its imposition of ‘general capabilities’ such as ‘critical and creative thinking‘. Such capabilities simply do not exist in any general sense. It is also the Australian Curriculum that follows a model of humanities teaching debunked by Kieran Egan back in 1980 and that subscribes to a model of science teaching where actual scientific content knowledge is only considered to be a third of the subject.

The degradation of curriculum is reflected in high school leaving examinations such as the New South Wales physics HSC that found itself so denuded of mathematical content that quantum physicist Michelle Simmons saw fit to address the issue last Australia Day.

It’s worth considering why we are in this situation. Why do bad ideas persist and even flourish in the field of education when they would have been superseded in medicine or engineering?

The tragedy of education is that it takes a very long time. If a doctor botches your treatment then you are likely to know about it pretty soon and so you can hold that doctor to account. However, if a child fails to learn to read due to poor teaching then we might declare they have reading difficulties and place them in an intervention group. By the time this starts to have life-changing impacts, 15 years later, we can no longer trace the cause back to the individual teacher. Indeed, the teacher is likely to never know their role.

You would think we could fix this with regular testing. But it seems as if we can’t; at least if NAPLAN and other standardised tests are anything to go by. Perhaps we have already gone too far down the rabbit hole. Everything can be explained away. And nobody knows what to do to improve their results because when they ask the experts they are given the wrong answers.

Then layer in the political, just to cloud the matter further. You can be a doctor and a strong proponent of social justice without that advocacy requiring you to follow any particular treatment method. You are free to do whatever you think is best supported by the evidence. However, teaching methods and curriculum have become politicised. We have pedagogical theories based in Marxism. We have postmodernism urging us to throw away the oppressive strictures of an old-fashioned curriculum.

Is this a counsel of despair? Not quite.

I used to think that education was a problem that could be fixed by strong, practical leadership from politicians. I now realise that most of them simply don’t know enough about it. So when the politicians want teaching standards, they get people to write them who are already invested in the status quo. Nothing changes. For every dip in NAPLAN, PISA or TIMSS, there is an academic with an excuse and a call for more funding.

Instead, we need to fix this. This one is on us. We are the ones who want to be treated as professionals and so it is time to take control of our profession. We won’t change everything overnight but we can all do our little bit. We can use the evidence in our own classrooms and promote it in our schools, with due attention to the politics (getting assassinated won’t help the cause). We can organise conferences to share experiences and listen to researchers. We can opt for further study and gradually start to see ourselves represented in academia.

It’s out there folks; your profession; the thing you love. We can do this. Take it back.


8 thoughts on “Take it back

  1. “…if a child fails to learn to read due to poor teaching then we might declare they have reading difficulties and place them in an intervention group.”

    This is what has been going on for the past more than 30 years. A child is classified as dyslexic when he can’t read. I believe a majority of these so called dyslexic kids are kids who have become disengaged from learning to read because of poor teaching.

    Before anyone disagrees with me please ask yourself as to how it is possible for these kids to be able to read at grade level and remain at grade level just after a short period of intervention.

  2. “And nobody knows what to do to improve their results because when they ask the experts they are given the wrong answers.”

    I, Luqman Michel, know what to do to reduce the illiteracy rate and I have written it in my blog n FB and LinkedIn.

    Do not listen to so called experts who have too large an ego to accept what has been discovered by me after 13 years of researching on this subject.

    Ask the experts to dispute what I am writing in LinkedIn and in my blog.

  3. “We won’t change everything overnight but we can all do our little bit.” YES! I have started doing
    my bit and continue doing it. I have now managed to terminate 3 YouTube accounts that were teaching alphabet sounds wrongly.

    You may read my blog and give your comments or grill me on what I have written. Let us make a change.

  4. Pingback: Take It Back – Where Are We With Explicit Teaching? – Whole-Hearted

  5. What u don`t understand at all Luqman is that there are 30 years of kind,knowledgeable researchers and professionals who know the tenets of teaching Reading to all kids and what`s wrong with university preparation.PLEASE stop writing like you alone have the answers.

    One being Dr. Keith Stanovich,during my own “birth” and astonishment phase,I asked him to rush and tell the professors who train the teachers-his answer to me was:
    “I did,they won`t listen.”
    Dr. Reid Lyon,now retired, tried with his life & all his heart.He and Dr. Stanovich are true heroes.
    The professors at the university are to blame.
    Just read what Mr. Ashman has described here..the teachers go into the profession to make a difference,instead,they enter the hall of brainwash…

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